Your donation creates a ripple effect in our local economy, building a stronger community for all. You can donate to the general fund or designate your donation to Scott County or Bourbon County. Simply click the donate button below:
*Our legal name is Scott County Habitat for Humanity, inc. DBA Bourbon County. We are one Habitat affiliate serving both counties.
Please make checks payable to Scott County Habitat for Humanity and mail to:
Scott County Habitat for Humanity
103 North Court Street
Georgetown, KY 40324
Please indicate in the “memo line” if you would like your donation designated:
- General Fund
- A Specific County (Scott or Bourbon)
- Veteran Home Repairs
- Sponsorship
- Memorial/Honorarium
(Please share information necessary to properly credit and acknowledge the donation (i.e. name of honoree, name/address to send acknowledgment).